Memorial Day Fit Tips

I can not believe Memorial Day weekend is here already! This year is just flying by! I wanted to share some tips for enjoying a healthy holiday weekend. Summer is almost here and you’ve worked hard… don’t let one day set you back.

1. Drink up!! And I’m not talking beer. It’s easy to forget about water intake when we have an “off” day. But it’s important to make sure you’re consuming enough water, especially if it’s warm and you’re outside and active. Staying hydrated will keep you energized and prevent you from over-eating when it’s picnic time.

2. Snack on fruits and veggies.  They contain a high water content, so they’ll contribute to staying hydrated. You’ll also stay satisfied until meal time…without compromising calories.

3. Maintain your healthy eating. Consistency is key. It might be a vacation day, but calories still count. If you go way off the rails, you might find it hard to get back on track. Look around before you decide what to eat. This will help you eat a more balanced meal. Try to pick one serving of protein, then vegetables or salad, and take only a small portion of high-calorie options (potato salad, anyone??)  If anything, pick ONE thing that you can “splurge” on…but be sure to stay on track with the rest of your meal. Oh, and one plate of food is enough : )

4. Stay away from the buffet.  Once you’ve made your plate, move away from the food. Take your time eating the food you have and spend time socializing with friends and family. Participate in any  activities going on. You’ll be less tempted to graze throughout the party.

5. Get moving! It looks like the weather is supposed to be gorgeous on Monday, so get out there and move! You can even grab a partner. You don’t necessarily have to stick to your normal workout routine (although if you can, that is GREAT!) You can bike, walk, play volleyball, golf swim… Whatever! Just be active, especially if you do decide to indulge. Like I mentioned earlier, stay consistent. You’ll thank yourself the next day.

I hope you all have a happy, healthy, and SAFE holiday weekend!

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