Homemade Taco Seasoning- Whole30 friendly!

We are having taco salad for dinner tonight so I went to the store to pick up a few things. I grabbed a packet of taco seasoning just to see what was in it and I immediately put it back. The very first ingredient was corn maltodextrin, a highly processed powder with no nutritional value that is used to thicken foods and is also known to spike blood sugar. It’s one of those ingredients that I stay far, far away from. Instead, I came home and in less than five minutes made my own seasoning with no additives. It’s so important to read labels and know exactly what you are eating. Most of the time, like in this instance, it isn’t hard to recreate a healthier option. Here’s the recipe:
– 2 tbsp chili powder 
– 2 tsp ground cumin
– 1 1/2 tsp garlic powder
-1/2 tsp onion powder
-1 tsp dried oregano 
-1/4 tsp paprika
-1 tsp Himalayan pink sea salt
Simply mix all of the ingredients in a small jar and store in a cool, dry place! When you’re ready to cook, just add 1 1/2 tbsp of mix and 2 tbsp of water to 1 lb of cooked grass fed beef. 

Now you have an additive/filler free (and Whole30 friendly) taco seasoning! 

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